Going beyond la bourgeoisie
BOURGEOIS is a fashionable term nowadays (I mean, back in China...), but I was born a CAPITALIST. Limited resources+Unlimited wants= Scarcity. I have the wants of a capitalist but not the financial back-up, and this is really depressive. Well, it takes TIME and a LOT of HARD WORK to be a mature capitalist. /smiling sarcastically/ For my bunch of luxurious hobbies and habits.
I admit that I am spoilt by myself ( well, in the first place, thanks to the support from los padres), and now I am wilful, sometimes to the point of disregard ( of the so-called social convention???) and defiance. Anyway. One hour ago I suddenly had the urge to eat whipped potato so just anyhow ordered KFC, without considering...well, whatever. Okay now I am fed up with it. It was then when my 二徒弟 "blamed" me for being a "spoilt kid"....Well I am, I have always been one. Back in china my teachers were wordless about my careless attitude. Really, I just didn't care. I may seem frightening when I don't care, but I think I am horrifying when I do care... like now...
Oh I was thinking of going to Europe in Junio for my cam's sake. I owe it a lot, at least I feel this way. Dont know where this feeling originated. The cost is a problem. Other than that...I don't want to go alone. Need to find some current / ex- school mates to go together. I have always had this sense of insecurity anyway, so it's better for me to have some company. My roommate was saying to me that we might go malasia but I think she was quite discouraged by my instant refusal. If I go travelling, Europe will be the only destination. Otherwise I'll just stay here and work on the two or three or four languages. And of course take photos. At least now there is the possibility that my 二徒弟 may agree to travel with me. That's good. But it'll be better if...haiz.
Today was wasted, again. Did nothing to do with Français or Español whatsoever. This weekend Barça is going to play against Seville. Bonne chance, dear.
Today´s post is even more random.
p.s. one more thing...heard about this scandalous news that they are going to apply some stupid change to crescent uniform...only CUATRO buttons are to be shown. My poor juniors, if this is true, they will look no different from the working おばあさん...Didn´t know the mdm whatever can be so creative, she should demonstrate first in order to be more convincing.
I admit that I am spoilt by myself ( well, in the first place, thanks to the support from los padres), and now I am wilful, sometimes to the point of disregard ( of the so-called social convention???) and defiance. Anyway. One hour ago I suddenly had the urge to eat whipped potato so just anyhow ordered KFC, without considering...well, whatever. Okay now I am fed up with it. It was then when my 二徒弟 "blamed" me for being a "spoilt kid"....Well I am, I have always been one. Back in china my teachers were wordless about my careless attitude. Really, I just didn't care. I may seem frightening when I don't care, but I think I am horrifying when I do care... like now...
Oh I was thinking of going to Europe in Junio for my cam's sake. I owe it a lot, at least I feel this way. Dont know where this feeling originated. The cost is a problem. Other than that...I don't want to go alone. Need to find some current / ex- school mates to go together. I have always had this sense of insecurity anyway, so it's better for me to have some company. My roommate was saying to me that we might go malasia but I think she was quite discouraged by my instant refusal. If I go travelling, Europe will be the only destination. Otherwise I'll just stay here and work on the two or three or four languages. And of course take photos. At least now there is the possibility that my 二徒弟 may agree to travel with me. That's good. But it'll be better if...haiz.
Today was wasted, again. Did nothing to do with Français or Español whatsoever. This weekend Barça is going to play against Seville. Bonne chance, dear.
Today´s post is even more random.
p.s. one more thing...heard about this scandalous news that they are going to apply some stupid change to crescent uniform...only CUATRO buttons are to be shown. My poor juniors, if this is true, they will look no different from the working おばあさん...Didn´t know the mdm whatever can be so creative, she should demonstrate first in order to be more convincing.
At 4 March 2007 at 18:06 ,
Anonymous said...
先random一下,昨天给她过生日,她乐得屁颠屁颠的和某位天真地像3岁小女孩的2个人要去滑旱冰。。。结果我发现,遭殃的是我。。。百米。。。臂力得到的有效的锻炼,2人美其名曰帮我减肥。。。(ps一下,看到她挺喜欢那个蛋糕不由得有点成就感。)不过,昨天真的心疼了2次,好久没有这种感觉了。她滑旱冰摔了,笨笨的,我没有照顾好她,当时恨不得摔的是自己。。。后来,瓢泼大雨就那么下着,她竟然跑出去,傻傻的,叫也叫不住,我拽了把伞就跟出去了可是雨下得好大好大……她已经drenched了……坐在mc donald里面看她吹着冷风,担心她今天会感冒,不过万幸的是她还好。
不懂为什么你do care的时候吓人,解释解释吧。
as what I did:
I'll promise u eternally, if u promise me ur stay, but now that's too late, I'm no longer the man that I was...
At 4 March 2007 at 18:09 ,
Anonymous said...
对了,还有 But it'll be better if...让人想起来好多,希望我猜对了,但是似乎这很难。。。
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